Why should I trust you with my money?
We're committed to the highest compliance standards. And your money is safeguarded by law. We open accounts in your name and can't access them. We'll only act on requests made by you, or an authorised individual.
Your money is separate from our own accounts, so even if something happened to our business, your money would still be safe.
How can I transfer my money?
We make transfers quick and simple. You'll have direct phone access to our dealing desks - to advise on rates. Once you've agreed your contract, send your money via EFT bank transfer to your trading account. Leave the rest to us.
How long will it take for my money to arrive in the overseas account?
It usually takes between 24-48 hours. It varies by country, and depends on how quickly you get the funds into your trading account.
We can send money to most countries the day you book the deal. We send a lot of payments, so just talk to us and we can tell you how long your transfer will take.
Will you let me know when you've sent my payment?
Yes. We email you confirmation as soon as we send the currency to your recipient's account.
Can I cancel a transfer?
No. Our contracts are legally binding. Once you've confirmed your transfer you can't cancel it. We may be able to assist in some cases, but there may be a loss that you will need to cover.
What payee details do you need for the beneficiary and how do I find them?
We need the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) for the beneficiary payee.
If you're settling an invoice or making an investment, the IBAN is usually supplied on the invoice or documentation.
It's essential we have the correct IBAN - so we recommend double-checking with the person, or company, you are paying.
Do I need a SARS tax clearance before trading?
If you are a South African resident (you have an SA ID) you can transfer R1 million using your discretionary allowance. If you exceed this amount, you will need a tax clearance approval.
Our in-house tax practitioner will assist with this at no additional cost. We will do our best to make this as quick and seamless as possible, but with the paperwork involved it can take up to three weeks.